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Current Read vs. Latest Buy


I am currently reading this! The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis. It is something like a statute or an encyclopaedia to the Shadowhunters. I have yet to start reading on the Mortal Instruments series and Infernal Devices series. So, I thought I can read this first to get to know about the world of the Shadowhunters.

I just finished reading the part about the weapons and gear used by the Shadowhunters. I did not find it extra interesting. To be honest, it is quite boring and dull. Oh well. Now, I'm reading on the part of martial arts.


Another thing I would like to mention is, I bought Jenny Han's P.S. I Still Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So happy so happy so happy!

I got it from a hipster bookstore in Summit Shopping Centre only for 30 bucks. The shopowner was so kind and friendly. Totally can see myself visiting there more and more in the future. :P

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