10 Ways to Read When You're Busy
As a full-time student, I have obligations (study, completing assignments/tutorials, practising etc). Meanwhile, I love reading. I have my book with me all the time, wherever I go. I may not even have the chance of reading it but I still bring it along nonetheless. Recently, my classmate was very surprised that, as a law student, I have time for leisure-reading. Well, why not?! Here are a few suggestions from me to read even when you're occupied with studies or work.....

STEP 1: Improve your skill in managing your time
Easy to say, hard to implement! However, this method is the best and most efficient way when you want to have some leisure-reading session. If you have a strong passion in reading too, it should not be difficult for you to have some time for yourself to read everyday. :)
STEP 2: Priorities
Indeed. If you are a true reader, you should know your priorities right! ;) Well, basically, in order to read even when you're busy, you should also learn to prioritize what you want to do while you are working.
STEP 3: Read when you eat
Well, not the best method since it effects your health in a bad way but I often do this because of the same reason again -----> I have so many things to do, so many things to study, so many assignments to complete! (P/s: Books are the best company ever! They don't judge how you eat...)
STEP 4: Bring your book wherever you go
Another method I strongly suggest especially when you are travelling or going out for the whole day. Best book's size to bring out: Pocket version! So, when you have a few free moments you can still read a few lines (better than nothing right?). Unfortunately, not every book you want to read is printed in pocket size. Well, it can always be resolved by bringing your kindle and read from it or download the epub or mobi version of the book into your mobile phone. I always do this when I am reading a hardcover book since the book is too heavy to be carried around.

STEP 5: Buy an audio version of book
It's not really a popular method, especially in Malaysia. Plus, as I have mentioned in my title, “10 ways to READ when you are busy”. Obviously, listening to story is a total different experience from reading a book.

STEP 6: Read books with interesting plot
If a book has an interesting and eventful plot, I don't think you will ever keep your eyes from it, do you? ;) Well, make sure you still remember your obligation!

STEP 7: Read every night before you sleep or every morning after you get up
I do this every day and night. I know doctors are saying that you shouldn't be reading before you sleep as reading stimulates your brain and you won't get good and deep sleep after that. Well, I CAN'T HELP IT! Besides that, I love reading (in bed, so cozyyyy!) in the morning especially before you start your day.

STEP 8: Read in the bathroom
Like seriously, reading in the bathroom has gotten me sh*tting (or sitting on the toilet bowl) for longer than I should. Make sure you don't get your book wet or dirty (you know what I mean...).

STEP 9:Tell the others that you're reading
If you are reading and someone can't stop asking you questions, just answer them quickly and tell them that you are ENGAGED. IN. R.E.A.D.I.N.G.
STEP 10: Have your book open when you're watching the tv
You can try reading a few lines during the tv commercials. Or you can just stop watching tv and fully engaged in reading. :B

Hope my suggestions may come into handy for you. Enjoy reading, mes amis! Cheers!