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Review: Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Gosh. I can't believe I'm blogging, right at this hour, when I am supposed to be asleep. It's 3am here in Malaysia, so, that is 7pm in the UK. Damn. Am I actually getting used to the timezone there? lmao

I don't know whether you have experienced this feeling at all or not. I wouldn't say it is healthy but it is


happy. That is, you have finished a good book (I am now referring to Rainbow Rowell's Landline), and you are too moved by the story to sleep. Yes, that is what I am experiencing now (at the same time, feeling a bit hungry too).


I didn't want to go into detail about the book. I just want to share how good it is after reading it. I seriously take back my words I said to Shinn this afternoon. I said the book was boring. I didn't like RR's way of writing. Gosh. I feel like I'm gobsmacked right in front of my face because towards the end, you are so not going to regret reading it.

It is predictable that Georgie is going to find Neal again, I knew it from the start. But damn! I didn't know there is going to be a magic phone. HAHA!

Anyway, I just wanna say that I don't cry during reading as often or much as I do when I'm watching movies. This is totally the book after TFIOS that made me cried like shit.

The first scene which got me teared a little was, Georgie was talking to the 1998 Neal and she was scared that she was taking Neal for granted, since Neal will always be there no matter how busy she is, Neal will wait for her till she finishes her work, Neal will love her no matter what happens.

I cried because I can totally relate. I am worried too. My boyfriend is asleep but I still text him to tell him this is my fear & I cannot bear the thought of losing him I have to tell him I appreciate him and never will take him for granted. I teared and I hoped that TJ wouldn't think me as taking him for granted because he is such a nice guy, and caring, and loving, and sweet.


The second scene, which was also the last scene that made me cried (the most) was when some random couple finally reunited at the Omaha airport. Goddamnit. The first picture that came up to my mind was, TJ walking out from the gate in the airport after traveling thousands of miles to come up and see me in the UK. I swear, I can see his face brightens up and we both starts grinning like fools and we just stand there, just like that, for a few minutes, because we are reunited. It was so true, it's like it's happening, but in my mind.

I am tired now, but I still can't get over how much happiness this book has brought me and the fact that I am so grateful for being loved for who I am by someone special.

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