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Review: The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis


Like finally, guys, I am done with this book. I actually spent more than a week to read this book. Read properly. I mean "READ" this book. It does not mean that I have finished reading it. So yeah, you can tell that I have not finished reading this book and I clearly have no intention to continue.

Many of my friends told me "You don't need to read this book to know about the series of Mortal Instrument or The Infernal Devices" "Don't waste time on this book, it's not helpful" etc.

Gosh. I wish I listened to them earlier because it is so god damn boring I can't believe I wasted a week on a book like this.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading the part where it introduced Downworlders (Vampire, Warlock, Werewolves etc). That was the only fun part (not that fun, really). I mean, out of all chapters, this chapter is considered as an interesting one.

I expected this book to be an encyclopaedia, introducing and telling stories of myth and mysterious creatures. Instead, it is more like a statute, a codification (duh! it's a codex). I have studied enough of laws in my degree and I don't think I would like to read any other thing about law for leisure purpose.

Basically, the last few chapters, I flipped through. Never have I done such a thing but yeah, I did. Because it was so T E R R I B L E.

Why is that so?

1. Too many facts.

~ facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts

~ In a way, you can tell that it's really dry (I mean the content)

2. What's with the extra handwritten words?

~ I get that the person added the handwritten words all over the book is trying to make it seem more interesting, like it's being used.

~ But tbh, it doesn't even make sense.

~ It does not make the book interesting too.

3. The content is lengthy

~ I admit that I am patient with books but if I decided to give up on reading a book, it means that the content is either repeating or long-winded.

~ In a meaner way, this book is wasting my time.

All in all, this is my perspective on this book. I really don't mean to offend anyone. =X But I really am upset that I wasted so much time on this book. Look on the bright side, thank god I bought this book for RM10 only...

Overall rating: 1 out of 5

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