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Review: P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han


Reading this book makes me feels like watching a movie, it's not too fast, not too eventful, it's slow and steady.

One thing I love the most about this book is Jenny Han impliedly reminding that girls need to love herself first in order to 'get real' in a relationship. There are times where Lara Jean was confused that whether she should reserve herself or not for Peter Kavinsky, whether she should let her go "all in" in a relationship or not etc. Jenny Han writes it, just like what every (young) girl (used to) think or doubt. I really love it. It just shows how real the story is, how real Lara Jean is.

I admit that this book isn't as good as the previous one. However, to be honest, the usual parts which got me covering my eyes with the book or even blushing are still there. For example, when Lara Jean gave the valentine to Peter. When Lara Jean played in the snow with John. When Lara Jean kissed John...

There are a lot of plot twists which you can never predict if you're on team Kavinsky all along. Nevertheless, after reading chapters and chapters, I kinda doubt at the relationship of Peter and Lara Jean. Actually, I wanted Lara Jean to get together with John instead of Peter, after what Peter has said to Lara Jean during the cake-walk.

Nonetheless, the ending was abrupt. Out of the sudden, here comes the ending already. Perhaps, I read a little bit too quickly and I have high expectations on it. I am slightly disappointed, just slightly, not enough to displease me. :)

I love this book, just not as much as the first book. However, you should read it. Although Peter and Lara Jean's relationship isn't perfect, it is real. It reflects the reality and society. There are highs and lows, it's not the unrealistic and lovey-dovey story all the time. I guess, this is what makes the book being so standout in the realm of young adults. :)

Overall rating: 4.5 over 5

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