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Review: Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella

Once again, I'm blogging at this hour of the day..huhu..



Anyway, this time, I've used merely two days to finish this book since it's a chick-lit which doesn't really need much time to be finished reading.

It's a good book, as usually expected from Sophie Kinsella. However, in my opinion, in this book, she kinda disappointed the readers.

It's still funny and easy-to-read, but you can really feel the difference between it and the other books in the series. It still has got its charm and reading it may still be a guilty pleasure but, tbh, I find more guilt than pleasure when I'm reading it.

First of all, it's started off with Becky Brandon is pregnant and she is seeing an obstretrician, Venetia Carter, who was Luke's ex-girlfriend ages ago. Becky then gets insecure but soon recovers from it and later get insecure again. In between those on-&-off-insecurity modes, Becky went shopping for baby's stuff with Suze and another time with Luke.

& each of the shopping parts has already taken up a chapter or more....which I think it's totally unnecessary...........

Well, this is what I dislike it about it. There are too many unnecessary things mentioned in the story. It's like the author is trying to squeeze things in because the story is not in sufficient length. Well, tbh, I rather not have those parts because they are a total waste of time.

Plus, another thing that has to be mentioned, Becky is starting to get on my nerves because SHE NEVER SEEMS TO LEARN FROM HER LESSON ERMAIGAWD! She is still that spoilt brat who wants everything! She is so shallow and frivolous. Her overspending and materialism just didn't make sense to how the hell did she survive?!?! See this, interesting, BUY. Oooh! I might need that, BUY.

It really is difficult for one to read a book about someone who one would probably punches her and yelled at her "GROW UP FOR THE SAKE OF GOD!"

Oh well, I guess that is why she is known as the "Shopaholic".

Nevertheless, this book is still amusing and if you prefer a light-read, you shall prefer this, the Shopaholic series. It might be a little bit off-standard as compared to the others but this will not defeat my interest in the following sequels.

Rating: 4 out of 5

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