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Love From Paris by Alexandra Potter

Merry Christmas!!! Hope you're enjoying this wonderful day with your loved ones, doing things you love most! I spent most of my day reading at my boyfriend's dining area and I managed to finish it because it is definitely one 'unputdowntable' kind of book.

First things first, Love From Paris is a sequel. I did not know that until I flipped back the previous book only to find out that Ruby in LFP is the same Ruby in The Love Detective. Can't blame me as I read the book somewhere in mid-January.

Before knowing it's a sequel, I thought Jack was some kind of douchebag cheating boyfriend. I loved him in TLD but in LFP, he seemed to lose some of his charms.

However, the main point isn't on him in LFP, it's Henry and Manu, a couple who was forced to separate during the war. The love story between them is eternally romantic. The letters 'they wrote' are never cheesy but they reflect the true situation of what lovers at that time were facing.

I am not going to say more about this book because I am afraid of spoiling it to you, but I can say that I truly enjoy reading this book very much.

Alexandra Potter always have her ways of bringing you to travel around the world through her words. First was India and now is Paris. The details she included for each attraction spots in Paris are so real and as a reader, you can easily imagine yourself as Ruby Miller standing in the streets of Paris. From AP's words, you can really feel her sincerity in writing. Her way of writing is so REAL and I'm pretty sure she must have travelled to Paris at least once to write this book. After finishing this book, I can't even wait to go to Paris next summer already.

AP, thank you for sharing these experiences with us. I love this novel with all my heart. It's beautiful.

P/s: I really thought Xavier the lawyer could have a better or 'heavier' role in the story.

Rating: ★★★★★

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